तेजस्वीता + तपस्वीता + तत्परता = पुष्टि युवा. _________गो.हरिराय..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy mother's day.

A Celebration In Honour Of All Mothers
M... is for the million things she gave me,
O... means only that she's growing old,
T... is for the tears she shed to save me,
H... is for her heart of purest gold;
E... is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
R... means right, and right she'll always be.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Story of Lord Narasimha

Hiranyakashipu (the brother of Hiranyaksha who was killed by the Varaha Avtar) wanted to take revenge on the Devatas and in particular on Lord Vishnu. He wanted to become the master of all the three worlds - Heaven, Earth & Pathala. He went to Mount Mandarachala and began penance which continued for years. Due to the intensity of Penance, Lord Brahma appeared before Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyakashipu asked for immortality as boon. Brahma, however, declined, saying "All living beings must face death Hiranyakashipu. You can, however, choose your death wish."
Hiranyakashipu then asked for three conditions, as his death wish, "'O Brahma, let not death come to me either by man or beast, nor devil, nor god shall cause my death by day or by night with steel or stone or wood, indoors or outdoors, or earth or in sky. Grant me undisputed lordship over the world". Brahma agreed and Hiranyakashipu got his death wishes granted. Thus he became practically immortal. After securing such a boon Hiranyakashipu conquered the worlds and became a tyrant. He banned all poojas on Vishnu and declared himself as God. The Devtas approached Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu asked them to be patient and said, "Hiranyakashipu' s son Prahlad is a devotee of me. When Hiranyakashipu seeks to kill my devotee I will slay him." Hiranyakashipu's wife Kayadhu gave birth to Prahlad in the Ashrama of Narada who told Prahlad about the glory of Lord Vishnu. Prahlad grew up and became an ardent devotee of Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu, however, wanted his son to be the king of the Asuras, strong and ruthless. Realising that Prahlad always prayed to Lord Vishnu, Hiranyakashipu took his son to Shanku and Amarka, the sons of Shukracharya, for schooling. All their efforts to inflence Prahlad failed.
Hiranyakashipu ordered his servents to kill Prahlad if he refused to accept the supremacy of his father. They tried to kill him by throwing down a mountain, drowning, poisoning, burning etc. and failed in all attempts since Lord Vishnu saved him from all the attempts. The king got angry on hearing the reports about Prahlad. One day the king challenged his son in the open court:
"Prahlad! Is my enemy, whom you worship, present anywhere here?".
Prahlad replied, "Vishnu is omnipresent. There's not a single place where he's not found."
Hiranyakashipu's fury was at its climax. He got an iron pillar heated and asked Prahlad, "Can you embrace this pillar if your Vishnu is in it also?"Prahlad did not hesitate even for a moment but rushed towards the pillar and embraced it. The heated iron did not burn him. The king got up from his throne in fury and hit the pillar with his mace.
And to his surprise! The pillar cracked with a thundering sound and Vishnu appeared there in the form of Narasimha.
One half of his body was of a lion and the other half of a man. He had matted hair on his head, large moustaches on the face and terrible teeth in the mouth. His paws had terrible nails on them.
Hiranyakashipu remembered his first death wish, "To be killed by some one who is neither human nor beast." It was also the twilight hour, neither day nor night, the second death wish.
The demon king hit Narasimha with his mace but Narasimha brushed it aside swiftly. It was twilight and Narasimha caught hold of the demon Hiranyakashipu.
He sat on the threshold of the court room, placed the body of the demon on his thighs, and pierced his nails into the body of the demon and broke open his stomach. The demon was killed on the spot in a moment. The place was neither inside nor outside. This was Hiranyakashipu’s third death wish.
Lord Narasimha was furious and roared. However, he was passified when Prahlad touched his feet and goddess Lakshmi also tried to cool him. Lord Narasimha then made Prahlad the King.

नरसिंह जयन्ति

आज नरसिंह जयन्ति है। आज नरसिंह भगवान को जन्म भयो दूष्ट को दमन करवे के लिये,जब जीव के पाप बढ जाय है,तब वो भक्त कूं कष्ट दे है,ओर पापाचरण करके अहंकार करे है।वाके दया,क्षमा जेसे गुण सब नष्ट हो जाय है। मद में आके वों कोइ की बात मानें नही है, ऐसे दूंष्ट जीव कूं समजानो कठीन होय जाय है।ऐसे अधर्मी जीव कूं क्षमा नही की जाय है, वाको तो संहार ही कीयो जाय है,जो अपने बालक के प्रति दया,प्रेम नही कर सके वो दूसरे के प्रति का दया-प्रेम करेगो,वो तो बस पाप ही करेंगो, भक्त द्रढाआश्रयी होवे है,जीतनो भी दू:ख जीवन में आवे परंतु प्रभु सु कभी दू:ख दूर करवे की याचना नही करं है,वो दू:ख सहन कर सदा स्मरण ही करते रहे है, जो जीव प्रभु को स्मरण करे वाके साथ प्रभु हे ओर वाकी क्षण क्षण में रक्षा करें है, भक्त प्रहलाद के लिये नरसिंह रुप धरिके वाके पिता हिरणाकषीपु कूं डरावे तथा मारवे ओर भक्त कूं तारवे, प्रहलाद की भक्ति सुं प्रसन्न होयके भगवान नरसिंह रुप धरिके भवन के खंभ में सु प्रकट भये,सबन कूं दर्शन दीये, वो बेला सांज की थी, देवता पुष्प वृष्टि करवे लगे,गंधर्वगान करवे लगे,अप्सरा नृत्य करवे लगी,साधुजन जय हो जय धोष करवे लगे,सबन कूं आनंद भयो ओर दूष्ट हिरणाकषीपु कुं दू:ख भयो,भयभीत भयो ओर काल मृत्यु दीखवे लगी,तब भगवान ने द्वार की देहली पे अपनी जंधानपे बीठाके अपने नखन सूं वाकूं चिर दीयो, ब्रम्हाजी को वरदान भी रह्यो ओर दैत्य को वध भयो।ऐसे दूष्ट जीव न के संहार के लिये ओर भक्तन की रक्षा करवे के लिये ही भगवान अवतार लियो करे है।ऐसे प्रभु के परम प्रिय भक्त प्रहलाद की यह पुष्टि भक्ति है। बोलो श्री नरसिंह भगवान जी जय हो.......

लेखक- आचार्यश्री विजयकुमारजी महाराजश्री{कडी-अहमदाबाद्}

Satisfaction" सन्तुष्टं सततं योगी "

मनुष्य को संतोष से जो सुख मिलता है वह सबसे उत्तम है और उसी सुख को मोक्ष सुख कहते हैं। इसीलिए जीवन में संतोष को परम सुख का साधन कहा जाता है। धन ऐश्वर्य आदि भोग सामग्री की स्वलप्तामें ईश्वर संसार प्रारब्ध पर किसी प्रकार से इसी गिला व रोष प्रकट न करना और अधिकता में हर्ष न करना संतोष सुख कहलाता है। वाचालताका त्याग, निंद्राव कटुवचन सुनने पर, हानि होने पर, क्रोध आदि से आवेश में न आकर, दुर्वचनोंका त्याग, स्वल्प भाषा, विवाद त्याग और यथा शक्ति मौन धारण बातचीत संतोष कहलाता है। शरीर से निन्दित व बुरे कर्म न कराना ही श्रेष्ठ है। संतोष रूपी अमृत से जो मनुष्य तृप्त हो जाता है, उसे महापुरुषों के समान सुख मिलता है। धन ऐश्वर्य के लोभ करने वाले व इधर-उधर भागने वाले मनुष्य को कभी भी संतोष नहीं मिलता। ऐसे व्यक्ति के मन में सदैव बेचैनी रहती है तथा वह लोभ, मोह आदि व्यसनों में पडकर दुखी रहता है। साथ ही जो मानव बुरे कर्म व निंदनीय कार्य करता है वह भी भय के कारण दुख का भागी बनता है। जबकि मन में संतोष होने पर मनुष्य व्यर्थ की लालसा में नहीं पडता है। जिससे वह व्यर्थ की चिंताओं से मुक्त हो जाता है। संतोष धन को इसीलिए सबसे बडा धन कहा गया है। संतोष रूपी सुख पाने के बाद मनुष्य की इच्छाएं समाप्त हो जाती हैं और वह परमात्मा के करीब पहुंच जाता है जिससे मनुष्य स्वयं सुख को छोडकर दूसरे प्राणियों के सुख-दु:ख के बारे में सोचता है। संतोष से जो सुख मिलता है मनुष्य के लिए उससे उत्तम और मोक्ष देने वाला कोई अन्य परम सुख नहीं होता है।

Thursday, May 7, 2009


In the 15th century, our great Guru Shri Vallabhacharyji Mahaprabhuji was born. He is believed to be incarnation of God representing the face of God. While very young, he studied all the Shastras and became a master. He toured over most parts of India on foot and observed that people had taken to worldly vices. Honesty was lost and most had become impious and hypocritical.He observed that not only the paths of Action and Knowledge but the path of Bhakti (Maryada) was not practicable.When he entered Gokul. It was midnight of the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of the month of Shravan of Samvat year 1549. his mind was revolving on the important question of restoring people to the right path of devotion. During the first phase of his pilgrimage he observed that people were divided not only politically and culturally but also spiritually and religiously. Besides, the lives of many were not in consonance with the spiritual teachings. He felt the Vedic rituals had lost their significance and the Mantras were ineffective. The holy places had lost their sanctity, the priestly class were corrupt and those that be took to religious instruction, lacked purity, He conceived the souls of men into three types : (1) the worldly-minded souls, (2) the spiritually-minded souls and (3) the divine souls who aspired for the union with God through devotion (Bhakti). The Acharya was most concerned with the last kind of the souls. When his mind was exceedingly troubled over this question, Suddenly Lord Krishna - Shri Gokulchandramaji (Shrinathji) appeared in front of him. Lord then told him, “Dear one, Your anxiety about the spiritual regeneration of divine souls is well founded. The only way is by self-dedication or consecration of self to Me They should realize that only by consecrating themselves, thier lives, wealth, wives, children, their all to Me can they obtain key to union with Me. They should acknowledge their unstinted duty to Me with humility. Then i shall accept them and gave “Gadya mantra” (Formula for reunion with the lord). Vallabh was very pleased, He offered a garland of cotton thread (pavitra)and mishri to the lord.Next morning, he expounded Pushtimarg by intiating his chief and dearest disciple Damodardas Harsani with Brahmasambandh. Pushti means grace of Lord. Pushtimarga is the path of acquiring the grace of God.Efforts are not enough to acquire this grace.When the Lord bestows the Jivas with His grace, then and then only Jiva can acquire his grace. But, aspirant Jiva can easily acquire this grace through his acceptance by Shri Shrimad Vallabhacharya. For acquiring this grace of God. one has to follow Pushtimarg. He has to accept Shrimad Vallabhacharya as his Guru. If he is found fit, then Shrimad Vallabhacharya accepts him as a disciple and initiates him with Brhamasambandha. Jiva has nothing of its own. So while getting initiated with Brhmasamdanda, one has to dedicate everything, including the soul itself, to God and has to become a humble servant of the Lord. He has to accept absolute surrender to God. Then his duty is only to serve to the best of his ability his master.In this Manrta the Jeevatma introduces itself. It says
1) I am part of Bhagvan Shri Krishna2) I have been seperated from him for thousands of years3) Hence I have forgotten Bhagvan Krishna completely4) I have not felt the need or the thirst to seek Him and reunite with Him. Now I have come to realize that mistake. I am such an embodied soul. Jeevatma pledges in front of Him, ‘Oh Krishna! My body, It’s ten Sensory organs, this life, my mind, my husband/wife, my Children, my family, any house, all my wealth, all my Karmas in this life and lives hereafter, along with my ‘atma soul’, I surrender to you. you are their Master from today. Nothing is mine, everything is yours. I will not use any of above for my happiness, But I will use it in my capacity as your servant, oh Krishna! I am yours. He doesn’t have to worry about himself or his dependents - Lord himself will take care of him. He has not to ask or expect anything in exchange for his services. He has to serve his master with pure love and just to serve his master with pure love and just for the sake of love. God will give him what he needs but not what he asks.
By initiation with Brhmasambanda, all the sins of the soul are burnt. He becomes sinless and pious. But to save himself from sins in future, he should act in such a way that except for the name of God, nothing enters his mind. he has to dedicate everthing he eats, drinks. and after the use of it by god he should use it as Prasad of God.
Thus, Pushti is a path of pure love and devotion. It is dedicated to God before you use it. If you have anything you have to dedicate it to God before you use it. If you have nothing. God is pleased with your loving devotion. Pushtimarg is the path in which you can be in the company of God in your present life as well as in the life after …….

आप क्या चाहते है ? { युवाओं के लिये}

जीतना चाहते हो तो तृष्णाओं को जीतो ।
पहनना चाहते हो तो सदाचार का आभूषण पहनों ।
जानना चाहते हो तो इश्वर को जानों ।
तौलना चाहते हो तो अपनी बुराईयों को तोलो ।
लेना चाहते हो तो बडों का आशिर्वाद लो ।
देना चाहते हो तो दुसरो को आदर दो ।
खाना चाहते हो तो गम खाओ ।
पढना चाहते हो तो अच्छे लेख पढों ।
बोलना चाहते हो तो मीठे वचन बोलो ।
दर्शन चाहते हो तो प्रभु दर्शन करो ।
मारना चाहते हो तो इच्छाओं को मारो ।
करना चाहते हो तो परोपकार करों ।



" पोषणंतदअनुग्रह " Which means that Shree Krishna's grace (anughraha) is called the Pushti Leela. Normally Pushti is not a word used too often as Anughraha. Pushti the word is made from Poshan. Poshan means Anughraha.The work that cannot be done by dicipline or hardwork can only be done by the grace of Krishna. " अनुघ्राह्तो लोकसिद्धि "A girl born in a poor family does not have any means to become a queen but if the king wishes(grace) he can make her the queen. Anughrahah is a character of Shree Krishna. In Shrimad Vallabhacharya's Bhagvat Tatvarth Deep Nibandh it is written that :" पुष्टि कालादिबाधिका "As Sun's character is to give light so is grace the character of Shree Krishna. This grace cannot be achieved by any means and solely depends on the wishes of Shri Krishna.Who ever he thinks is fit for the grace, he showers his grace on them and fulfills all their alokik wishes. The sixth skandh of Shrimad Bhagvatam according to Shrimad Vallabhacharya's SUBHODINI is called the Pushti leela. Vritrasur being of the Demonic race was able to get darshan of Narayana and get his grace. .this is called ANUGRAHAH..............................

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

विश्व में अशांति का कारण है द्वेष .

आज परिवार व समाज तथा विश्व में अशांति का कारण द्वेष, क्रोध तथा कामना है। कामना से वैराग्य और संतोष दोनों का ही नाश होता है। जिस प्रकार मोर के पंख हमेशा हिलते रहते हैं। उसी प्रकार कामना ग्रस्त मनुष्य का मन भी सदा हिलता रहता है। द्वेष, क्रोध तथा कामना ही मनुष्य के समस्त दुखों का कारण हैं। पशु दिन भर जंगल में जाकर आहार करते हैं और रात के समय आकर खूंटे से बांध दिए जाते हैं। उसी प्रकार अज्ञानी मनुष्य दिन को घर छोडकर व्यवहार के अर्थात सांसारिक क्रियाओं के फेर में फिरता रहता हैं और रात के समय घर में आ जाता हैं। इस प्रकार वह अपना सारा जीवन व्यर्थ कर देता हैं।
भगवान श्री कृष्ण गीता में कहते हैं कि हे अर्जुन जिस काल में यह पुरुष मन में स्थित संपूर्ण कामनाओं को भली भांति त्याग देता है उस काल से आत्मा से ही आत्मा में संतुष्ट हुआ स्थिर बुद्धि वाला कहा जाता है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति में चेतन शक्ति है और वही चेतन शक्ति यदि लोभ में चली जाए तो यह मनुष्य निर्मल होते हुए भी लोभी विकारी हो जाता है तथा सदाचारी से दुराचारी हो जाता है। गीता हमारे जीवन में एक दर्पण है। आज परिवार व समाज तथा विश्व में अशांति का कारण द्वेष, क्रोध तथा कामना है।
मनुष्य के जीवन में सुख-दुख दोनों आयेंगे तथा जो दुख आने पर बौखला न जाए वही गीता के अनुसार स्थित प्रज्ञ है तथा उसी को स्थायी सुख की प्राप्ति हो सकती है।
भलाई को अपनाने पर स्वत:ही मनुष्य का कल्याण संभव है। इसीलिए विद्वानों ने कहा है कि बुराई त्याग दो भलाई अपने आप आ जाएगी। भलाई के दरवाजे पर अगर बुराई दस्तक देती है तो भलाई को अपमानित होना पडता है। लेकिन अगर बुराई के दरवाजे पर भलाई दस्तक दे तो वह बुराई को अपनी ओट में छुपा लेती हैं। सच कहा जाए तो इंसान मरने के बाद भी भलाई और बुराई के अलावा दुनिया से कुछ नहीं लेकर जाता है। समाज में इंसान का व्यवहार जैसा होता है मरने के बाद उसको वैसा ही कहा जाता है।