तेजस्वीता + तपस्वीता + तत्परता = पुष्टि युवा. _________गो.हरिराय..

Thursday, May 7, 2009


" पोषणंतदअनुग्रह " Which means that Shree Krishna's grace (anughraha) is called the Pushti Leela. Normally Pushti is not a word used too often as Anughraha. Pushti the word is made from Poshan. Poshan means Anughraha.The work that cannot be done by dicipline or hardwork can only be done by the grace of Krishna. " अनुघ्राह्तो लोकसिद्धि "A girl born in a poor family does not have any means to become a queen but if the king wishes(grace) he can make her the queen. Anughrahah is a character of Shree Krishna. In Shrimad Vallabhacharya's Bhagvat Tatvarth Deep Nibandh it is written that :" पुष्टि कालादिबाधिका "As Sun's character is to give light so is grace the character of Shree Krishna. This grace cannot be achieved by any means and solely depends on the wishes of Shri Krishna.Who ever he thinks is fit for the grace, he showers his grace on them and fulfills all their alokik wishes. The sixth skandh of Shrimad Bhagvatam according to Shrimad Vallabhacharya's SUBHODINI is called the Pushti leela. Vritrasur being of the Demonic race was able to get darshan of Narayana and get his grace. .this is called ANUGRAHAH..............................

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